GenySoft India Pvt. Ltd. ( GenySoft) is sensitive to privacy issues on the Internet. We believe it is important you know how we treat the information about you, we receive from you, on the Internet.

In general, you can visit GenySoft on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our Web servers collect the domain names, not the e-mail addresses, of visitors. This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed, etc. GenySoft uses this information to measure the use of our site and to improve the content of our site. Your accessing our site signifies your unconditional consent to allow the collection of your domain names.

There are times, however, when we may need information from you, such as your name and address. When information is needed, we will try (but are not obligated) to let you know at the time of collection, how we will use the personal information. Usually, the personal information we collect is used only by us to respond to your inquiry, process an order or allow you to access specific account information. Occasionally, we may make the e-mail addresses, of those who provide information, available to other reputable organizations whose products or services we think you may find interesting. In these cases, you will be offered an opportunity to limit access to your information. In case we do not receive any response from you to limit the access of your information, it shall be deemed that you consent to such distribution of your information as mentioned above.

If you register with one of GenySoft’s business units on-line, they may use this information to provide you with custom information about GenySoft’s offering in support of your business needs. A technology called cookies may be used to provide you with tailored information. A cookie is a tiny element of data that a web site can send to your browser, which may then be stored on your hard drive so we can recognize you when you return. You may set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie. Registering with any GenySoft business unit online signifies your unconditional consent to receive such cookies.

At times we conduct on-line surveys to better understand the needs and profile of our visitors. When we conduct a survey, we will try (but are not obligated) to let you know how we will use the information at the time we collect information from you on the Internet.

You recognize and understand that there is no compulsion on you to provide us with your personal information and any and all personal information provided by you to us is with your full consent, own volition and desire to provide such personal information. You also understand that we are under no obligation to verify the source from which the personal information about you is provided to us, and they are deemed to be provided by you, unless you demonstrate to us within a period of fifteen days from the date of providing of such information to us, to our satisfaction, that the information was provided to us without your free consent.

GenySoft’s Web site may contain links to other sites such as GenySoft partners and affiliates. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites. GenySoft’s Web site may contain names of our client’s whom we might have not worked directly and would have represented and served those clients through our vendors. We are not responsible for the any obligations raised against these names as all the details can be shared on request of the purpose.


The GenySoft Privacy Policy applies to GenySoft’s and our affiliates’ Web sites that link to the Statement. Below are some of the highlights of the Statement.

Personal Information
  • We collect your personal information for various purposes, such as processing your order, corresponding with you, providing you with a subscription or in connection with a job application
  • We may combine the information we collect from you with information obtained from other sources to help us improve its overall accuracy and completeness, and to help us better tailor our interactions with you
  • In addition, we may also collect information relating to your use of our Web sites through the use of various technologies, including cookies
  • To fulfill your requests by us or by others involved in fulfillment
  • To contact you for customer satisfaction surveys, market research or in connection with certain transactions
  • To support products or services you have obtained from us
  • By GenySoft and selected organizations for marketing purposes if you have permitted such use
  • To personalize your experience while you are on our sites, make navigation easier, and for Web site usage statistics
Your Choices
  • When we collect information from you, you may tell us that you do not want it used for further marketing contact
  • You may also turn off cookies in your browser

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