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At Genysoft, we begin with an individual. It’s our skills that will stand up to the challenges and beat them.
As a company that leverages innovation and intelligence to deliver the best returns on investment to the clients. Today, Genysoft is strong and growing. So, if you have the urge to win recognition and be a part of this revolution, then come over.
Focus on the current and foresight on the our motto.We encourage people for their uniqueness and individuality who really wish to stretch their limits and explore the realms of excellency. The organization has a flat structure that allows a dynamic exchange of talent.
“Think, focus and plan each day”
We as a company committed to build meaningful and long term relationships.
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A fun workplace as:

Flexible break hours

30 hour minutes lunch and 10 minutes evening break is an outdated practice.  Replace it with Flexi “Break time”.  Coffee breaks between work and no fixed lunch hour appeals to today’s employees. At times, they don’t mind skipping their lunch for work either (without complaints).

Opportunity for social connections

Social connections at workplace are great. Internal networking groups, book exchange clubs, cross team interactions makes work a fun place. It’s an age if technology so why not utilizes it to bring people across regions and countries together.

 Freedom to celebrate accomplishments with peers

Millennials love celebrating their success and accomplishments, big and small. Treats, parties and small get together, pizza & coffee outings peers are their ways of celebrations. Allow them the freedom to cherish their victory.

 Self challenges & new learning opportunities

They love to challenge themselves with new assignments and tasks.  They are good at learning and multitasking too. They are open to Cross training assignments and new learning ways.

Why not colorful/ vibrant workstations?

Life to them is colorful and lively. They are vibrant and so their surrounding – clothes, gadgets, personal stuff so why not their workstations. This is their idea of keeping the excitement and interest going at work.

As HR pros, why not we re-work our concept of “Fun at work” as per the new generation employees, the Millennial generation…our generation?

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