13 Sep

RabbitMQ Configuration in Windows Environment:

Prerequisites to Install RabbitMQ           

  • RabbitMQ requires a 64-bit supported version of Erlang for Windows to be installed

Note: Erlang must be installed using an administrative account or it won’t be discoverable to the RabbitMQ Windows service.

  • Java version 11.0.11_windows-x64-bin
  • Steps to Install Erlang VM:
  • Click on the Next button
  • Select the Destination folder to install Erlang and click on the Next button.
  • Click on the Install button to install.

Installing RabbitMQ:

  • Click on the Download + Installation Button.
  • Select Chocolatey or Installer under Installation Guides
  • Go to Direct Downloads and click on rabbit MQ -server-3.8.19 to download.
  • After download install Rabbit MQ

The RabbitMQ service starts automatically.

RabbitMQ Windows service can be managed from the Start menu


To Enable Plugins – Go to Rabbitmq command prompt (sbin dir)