Development process

We work closely with you to build your custom solution or rebuild your existing technology!


For each project to be successful, the core value proposition must be defined as early as possible. This enables us, going forward, to conduct our design and development work through the lense of how it supports this high-level mission. We’ll conduct a series of workshops with you to define our roadmap.


    With an established and clear value proposition, we’ll define the key user personas of the application through a white-boarding exercise. These personas are the key stakeholders of your application and will ultimately determine project success.


    This workshop helps us understand what voice and emotions the application should evoke. Creating a personality that connects with your user base. We work with you to ensure that this messaging supports and enhances the core value proposition.


    We put ourselves in the shoes of each user and define a set of actions that each would take to realize the application’s purpose. These stories live on post-it notes to give everyone an overall view of how users will interact with the site.


    To bring the user stories to life, we sketch a few key screens and interactions of the application. This gives everyone a picture of how the stories will be transformed into a visual interface for users, as well as, what our design and development process entails.


After our kick-off meeting, we enter the agile phases of our process. Each phase represents a short sprint over two-weeks to deliver a subset of features defined in the overall Statement of Work.


    Our designers start by building wireframes to translate the user stories into a visual interface. After iteration of these wireframes, we design a style guide and fully designed clickable prototypes. Small workshops help us to outline site copy to aid in the design process.


    With high-resolution mock-ups in hand, the design team codes the front-end of the application. This work ensures the user interactions are built as intended by our designers and truly represent the application goals.


    Our developers build the application logic and data-model layer for the business rules that drive the core value proposition. In addition, our team builds the server environments to host and secure the application.


Everyone has a role to play to ensure success of the project. As sprints come to a close, your feedback and ideas are critical. With this, we can be most adaptive to changes in business rules or customer input.


    We communicate frequently during our sprints, but typically schedule in-person meetings at the end of the sprint. This meeting provides a forum to discuss our progress, review feedback and adjust scope as necessary.

    In our delivery meetings we dive into our design decisions for what you see and what you don’t in the interface. In addition, the development team will educate you on the nuts & bolts of the system.

    Both teams come prepared with questions, comments or concerns. This honest collaboration the best way to partner to build the best product.


While this phase might represent the conclusion of the initial build, it really is just the beginning of this product’s growth. Through diligent focus, the application can reach the next-level through aggressive user acquisition.


      We continuously test the application through a hybrid of automated and manual tests. As the project nears completion, new feature development stops and we have an intense period of time to focus solely on QA testing. This step ensures production ready code meets a user’s expectations.


      We’ll use a number of different cloud-based solutions to host your application. No one tool is perfect for all your needs. Therefore we consider the layers of your product and find the best solution for each. We deliver the foundation your applications require: server, asset host and database.


      Our cloud-based solutions apply best practices in managing platform security. This protects you by applying security controls at every layer from physical to digital. Rapid deployments of security updates without customer interaction or service interruption are critical. Depending on your needs, we can also support advanced security standards (PCI, HIPAA, SSL)


      After an intense round of testing, we deploy your application. “Shipping” is an exciting and nerve-racking time and we’ll be there to support you the whole way through. As you on-board new users, we’ll support you by fine-tuning the application to more effectively engage new users. Your customer’s satisfaction is key to realizing the application’s true value.

Models of work

We work closely with you to build your custom solution or rebuild your existing technology!

When the project scope, specification and implementation plans cannot be precisely defined at the outset or requirements change dynamically during the project implementation process.

A development team of highly-skilled developers committed to your project that knows your business objectives and share your company values. You get the complete control over your team.

Best suitable for a projects with a very clear scope, established stable set of requirements that isn’t likely to change throughout the project.We completely manage your project, you only guide us.

Its a Passion, Not just work.

We have the flexibility and right exposure to perform great.  Our services are of high quality, Uncompromising, Cost Effective.

Industry Domains Served

We work closely with you to build your custom solution or rebuild your existing technology!

How good we are ?

Development & Maintenance
Testing & QA
Digital Marketing
System Integration

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