Through our superior teams of IT QA professionals, process improvement expertise and pragmatic approaches to software testing, our QA and Testing Services help you realize the return on investment of your applications initiatives. Our experience with many third-party testing tools and specialty in-house test applications allow us to be more productive through automation. While we have the expertise to create test scripts and use automation tools, our engineers also have the focus, dedication, and QA mind-set that are required to effectively handle the demands of repetitive black-box testing.

Our IT Professionals please to Fulfill your project Requirements. Email us your requirements to get free project analysis.

GenySoft’s advanced test management practices cover multiple aspects including organization, planning, authoring, execution, risk assessment, and reporting to ensure we are out in front of your needs.

A dedicated team / manager will work closely with you to improve your test process and increase software quality at every stage of the development process. Perhaps the greatest benefit of our best practices is visibility in real time to issues that management needs in order to direct teams to success while maintaining schedule predictability. These key processes drive performance of our services in a calculated, strategic, and effective manner.

Proper utilization of these powerful tools allows us to actively manage projects as opposed to simply retroactively track statistics.

Bug modeling charts highlight bug trends such as incoming incidents and bug fix rates to improve schedule predictability, and allow for real-time adjustments.

Milestones indicate significant events or phases in a product lifecycle and provide clear goals for the software QA test effort. Missed milestones may indicate that a project is beginning to slip.

Metrics provide a snapshot of the project bug status and test progress, and give you an at-a-glance view highlighting project trends.

Regular status reports keep you informed of progress and red flag open issues for early resolution. Quarterly reports give you a wider view of project progress and facilitate planning for future phases. Final quality reports are a wrap-up of all software QA testing performed and provide a postmortem view of the entire effort.

The purpose of project plans and test plans is to define terms and strategies that serve as a charter for your test effort that we then set milestones to and drive towards.

Assessment involves analyzing risk criteria associated with your project to determine the current level of risk to your project. Solutions can then be applied to mitigate critical areas before they become project-threatening problems.

Bug lifecycle planning will set up a process for finding, fixing and verifying bugs. Bug fix prioritization will determine what issues need immediate attention.

Determining which software and hardware platform combinations are the highest priority is a key part of successful test planning. Incorporating the tools and techniques for the specific needs of your project ensures an effective and successful test effort.

Your development schedule may not allow for the testing of all components. Being able to identify components where failure is most critical will ensure appropriate software QA testing for those areas.

Knowing how many software QA test engineers to assign to a project, and the ratio of testers to development, is critical to the success of a development project.


When business models and markets change faster than the applications that support them can be developed, software testing is often first to be cut from the budget or schedule despite the fact that software defects have a direct, negative impact on profitability. Even a small number of defects can have a catastrophic impact on a business, its customers, and its partners. It is estimated that a software defect found and fixed post-production costs 100 times more than if the defect was found in the design stage.

The Application Programming Interface (API) is the bridge between your developers and the functionality they want to use. API testing double-checks your programming work.

Browser, Operating System, and Hardware Compatibility Testing Services
Testing software behavior under different browsers, operating systems, and hardware configurations can help provide all users with a satisfactory experience.
Pushing applications and systems to their functional limits can provide benchmarks for future scalability.
Determining speed of response, time to process, and data throughput.
Testing software modules in combination can identify conflicts between components.
Making sure that your software works well with other applications on the system.

Automated testing offers advantages such as test-explicitness, bug reproducibility, and test reusability. The most significant advantage is speed of repetitive testing and savings in associated costs and time. Additional benefits include allowance for vital load testing, performance testing, and stress testing. GenySoft provides automation expertise for all of (though not limited to) the following:

  • Desktop UIs
  • Web UIs through common web browsers
  • Code-based APIs
  • Web service-based APIs
  • Use cases

Automated testing also greatly simplifies and reduces costs associated with tests difficult for manual testers to complete, such as processing dozens of transactions simultaneously or generating multiple accounts. Having a single automated test suite can reduce hours of redundant manual testing, translating directly into cost savings for you.

Choosing the wrong tools or test methodologies can be costly in dollars, time, and results. Because GenySoft operates as a provider of a subset of IV&V services, you can be assured of unbiased recommendations as to whether or not automation is the right choice. Targeting the specific needs and requirements for you and your products will provide the most effective cost and testing experience, substantial ROI, and, ultimately, the competitive advantage that sets your company apart.


Our web automation focuses on automating user flows to fully regress all functionality, utilizing diverse test data simulating real world data. Each flow can be written once and then tested with a full range of data. Doing so allows the automation to fully test edge and corner cases in quickly repeatable actions for aid in debugging intertwined web-based systems.
We can also focus our testing to target the APIs of a site to test their performance and handling of a wide array of data at controlled rates. Additionally, we can simulate real world issues arising from a web platform to test imperfect conditions.


Mobile automation is a challenging platform to solve due to the number of devices and platforms. Couple this with the scarcity of robust automation tools available and this can be an expensive undertaking if not properly configured. Our experience working in this environment enables us to quickly develop a custom framework that is tailored to your needs. This customization allows us to develop a solid foundation and maximize your ROI.

Our approaches encompass a multitude of different angles from user-agent manipulation to lab-based test automation.


The desktop automation is used to regress through the major functionality of an application to verify expected operation from build to build. Desktop automation is also used to cycle through settings of an application, testing many or all permutations to verify the application works appropriately for each with no unexpected dependencies between settings. Finally, the automation is used to perform large numbers of repeat operations for stress testing the application, or to create test results that can aid manual testing.

In the highly competitive landscape of the mobile application market, the quality of your mobile app is everything.

Because customers have the ability to provide immediate reviews that directly influence the success of your business, ensuring usability and bug-free functionality prior to release is crucial to the success of your mobile app. With an ever-changing set of mobile devices, carriers, and constantly updated operating systems, developing and maintaining that quality app is more difficult than ever. GenySoft can help you successfully deliver and launch mobile solutions by overcoming the major challenges that can impact development, release, and distribution.

How do we do it? GenySoft’s testing lab maintains an extensive and ever-growing collection of phones, tablets, and other mobile devices including iOS, Android and Windows platforms. We have a talented team of innovative, problem solving testers staffed and ready to help take your app to the next level. By asking the right questions at the right time, we are able identify the solutions to your specific challenges early, and find the make-or-break problems before your customers do.

  • Mobile Testing for Android Apps
  • Mobile Testing for iOS Apps
  • Windows Mobile App Testing

Test cases strategically designed for mobile applications that reduce risk while maintaining the highest coverage:

  • Connectivity variables
  • Functional testing
  • End-to-end user experience testing
  • Performance testing
  • Load testing
  • OS compatibility

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