09 Jan 2024

Matomo Analytics: Genysoft has integrated Matomo Analytics to generate in-depth visitor reports.

Matomo, previously known as “Piwik”, stands as a popular free and open-source web analytics tool. Its primary function is to monitor online visits to single or multiple websites and generate comprehensive reports, facilitating in-depth analysis of these visits that provide valuable insights for businesses and website owners.

Matomo is an ideal choice for sectors like public administration, healthcare, or law firms due to its installation on the user’s server, ensuring data ownership. Additionally, you have the option to install the analytics software on your own server, either physically within your company premises or using cloud services from providers like Amazon, Google, or Microsoft. Matomo provides a wealth of features, including detailed visitor tracking, real-time analytics, and customizable dashboards. It tracks various aspects of user behavior, such as page views, downloads, and search engine keywords, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights into their audience’s preferences and interactions. Matomo’s focus on privacy is evident in its anonymization of visitor IP addresses and its respect for “Do Not Track” settings, ensuring a secure and respectful user experience.

One of Matomo’s key strengths lies in its e-commerce analytics capabilities, allowing online businesses to monitor product views, conversions, and revenue, thereby optimizing their digital storefronts for maximum efficiency. The platform’s plugin system further enhances its functionality, enabling users to tailor Matomo to their specific needs. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust analytics capabilities, and a strong emphasis on user privacy and data control. Its open-source nature empowers businesses to delve into their online data without compromising user privacy, making it an invaluable tool for organizations seeking actionable insights while respecting the rights and preferences of their visitors.

Applications of Matomo Analysis:

Here are some specific uses of Matomo analysis:

Visitor Behavior Analysis: Matomo allows you to track how visitors interact with your website, including which pages they visit, how long they stay, and which links they click. This information helps in understanding user behavior and preferences.

Conversion Tracking: Businesses can track specific goals and conversions, such as form submissions, product purchases, or downloads. By analyzing conversion data, you can optimize your website or app for better performance and user engagement.

  • commerce Analytics: For online retailers, Matomo offers e-commerce analytics to track sales, revenue, and product popularity. This information is crucial for understanding customer buying patterns and improving the online shopping experience.

Event Tracking: Matomo allows you to track specific events, such as video views, button clicks, or downloads. This feature helps you analyze user engagement with interactive elements on your website.

Custom Dashboards: Users can create customized dashboards to display specific metrics and reports that are relevant to their business goals. Custom dashboards provide a quick overview of key performance indicators.

Heatmaps: Matomo offers heatmap visualization, allowing you to see where users click the most on your website. Heatmaps provide valuable insights into user behavior, helping you optimize your website’s layout and design.

A/B Testing: Matomo enables A/B testing, where you can create multiple versions of a webpage and compare their performance. This helps businesses understand which version performs better in terms of user engagement and conversions.

Security and Privacy: Matomo offers self-hosted solutions, ensuring that sensitive data remains within your control. It prioritizes user privacy, allowing you to comply with data protection regulations like GDPR.

SEO Analysis: Matomo provides valuable data related to search engine optimization, including keywords that drive traffic to your site, popular landing pages, and user engagement metrics. This information helps in refining your SEO strategies.

Campaign Tracking: You can track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by monitoring referral sources, click-through rates, and conversions. This data helps you allocate resources to the most successful marketing channels.

Matomo Analytics Features:

Matomo boasts numerous remarkable features, such as:

•           Real time data updates:

Monitor the live stream of visits to your website as they happen. Receive in-depth insights into your visitors, the pages they’ve navigated, and the goals they’ve achieved.

•           Customizable dashboard:

Design custom dashboards with widgets tailored to your specific requirements.

•           All websites dashboard:

The most effective method to gain a comprehensive overview of activities across all your websites simultaneously.

•           Analytics for Ecommerce:

Enhance your understanding and optimize your online business through advanced Ecommerce analytics features.

•           Goal Conversion Tracking:

Monitor objectives and determine if you’re achieving your present business goals. Goals may be activated when particular page URLs or titles are accessed, when visitors spend a specific duration on the website, or when they interact with custom events such as file downloads or external links.

•           Event Tracking:

Evaluate user interactions across your websites and applications.

•           Content Tracking:

Evaluate impressions, clicks, and click-through rates (CTR) for image banners, text banners, and all elements displayed on your pages.

•           Site Search Analytics:

Track and record searches conducted using your internal search engine.

•           Geolocation:

Accurately identify the location of your visitors, including country, region, city, or organization. View detailed visitor statistics on a world map categorized by country, region, or city.

•           User Segmentation:

Examine and analyze reports for smaller audience segments based on specific criteria such as their country or purchase history.

•           Pages Transitions:

Track and analyze visitor activities both before and after viewing specific pages on your website.

•           Page Overlay:

Display statistics directly on top of your website with our smart overlay.

•           Site speed and page speed reports:

Track the speed at which your website delivers content to your visitors.

•           Page performance reports:

Reports detailed performance metrics for each page view.

•           Analytics Campaign Tracking:

Monitor your newsletters, and advertisements (including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and custom ads), and automatically identify Google Analytics campaign parameters in your URLs, among other features.

•           Accurately measure the time spent by visitors on your website:

It offers a more precise measurement of the bounce rate.

•           Scheduled email reports (PDF and HTML reports):

Integrate reports into your application or website using our wide selection of 40+ widgets, or embed PNG graphs into custom pages, emails, or applications.

•           Annotations:

Add text notes to your graphs to remember specific events or details.

•           Custom Alerts:

You can oversee your business operations and receive alerts on your phone or via email whenever any of your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) experience an increase or decrease.

•           Visits Log :

Review individual user sessions and observe all their interactions on your website.

•           Visitor Profile:

This feature provides insights into each visitor’s unique behavior by summarizing and listing all their visits, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of their interactions.


Diverse Approaches for Matomo Analysis Integration:

In the domain of data tracking within Matomo, there exist several viable options, such

  • JavaScript Tracking.
  • Apps & SDK’s.
  • Pixel Tracking.
  • Import Server Logs.
  • HTTPS Tracking API.
  • Installing Required Plugins.
  • Tag Manager.

The fundamental prerequisites for the integration of Matomo using JavaScript Tracking Code:

  1. Create an account on the Matomo website to access their services.
    1. Matomo provides a tracking code snippet that you need to add to the HTML code of your website. This code allows Matomo to collect visitor data.
    1. To track events on your website, such as button clicks, there are two main ways to set up the event tracking within Matomo.
      1. The first method involves using the Tag Manager plugin built into Matomo.
      1. The second method requires adding snippets of JavaScript code directly to the element or action you want to track (e.g., a button click).
      1. For example: onclick=”_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘cases’, ‘List of all cases’, ‘Cases’]);”

Follow these links for detailed documentation

For Matomo Tracking Code: https://developer.matomo.org/guides/trackingapi-clients

For Event Tracking: https://matomo.org/faq/reports/implementeventtrackingwithmatomo/

Article Prepared by

Ms. Sara Razvi – Software Engineer

Ms. Madhavi Maddali – Sr Software Engineer

About GenySoft:

GenySoft is a  full-service provider of infrastructure managed services(IMS), Application managed services(AMS), Application Integration (Cloud, On-Premise, Hybrid), eCommerce Solutions, ERP, CRM, Big Data and analytics, Software Development, and IT consulting services. GenySoft is a software innovation company whose primary vision is to deliver IT Services. GenySoft has been helping clients globally with technical innovation, quality, and exceptional service. We serve as true business partners to our clients by providing innovative solutions, responding quickly to shifting priorities, changing project scopes, and helping maintain a competitive edge by leveraging the best technical resources globally.

GenySoft is a WSO2, JitterBit, Fiorano Consulting Partner, and Reseller focusing on Integration Solutions. We deliver services at Integration Solutions (Cloud, On-Premise, Hybrid), SAP ERP, Web Application Development, Managed Services, Digital Marketing, Consulting, and offshoring. We specialize in integrations and deliver bespoke development. Our Managed Services offering provides access to experienced infrastructure administrators and organizational maintenance. GenySoft offers truly business-focused solutions by creating and maintaining a perfect balance of quality, reliability, delivery, and return on investment (ROI).

Learn more at https://www.genysoft.com

02 Jan 2023

GenySoft and eDepoze have engaged to Develop, Integrate best-in-class remote deposition cloud platform.

GenySoft AUSTIN, TEXAS, Hyderabad INDIA, December 28, 2022

GenySoft and eDepoze have engaged to redesign & enhance best-in-class web/cloud-based application and technology platform upgrade. With this engagement, GenySoft and eDepoze will integrate, redesign, enhance, and create new features & solutions that will aim to provide superior user experiences and offer capabilities that will empower eDepoze customers to change the status quo by adding value beyond the capabilities available with current iPad solution. In addition, GenySoft will exclusively support all current and future applications and infrastructure management services to eDepoze customers in the global legal market.

Through this strategic initiative, the two companies will extend the application integration of eDepoze to include new functional areas and capabilities of digital deposition such as Video Depositions & Integration with Native Office document support and PDF document support within the eDepoze platform. The two companies will continue to incrementally develop upon eDepoze products and develop cutting-edge solutions that will make it simple for court reporting and transcription agencies to find and schedule reporters, implement an end-to-end transcript production workflow, and provide a leading industry platform for remote and hybrid proceedings, regardless of the method—keeping in line with the eDepoze and GenySoft focus of “Customer First”.

An Integrated Approach to Innovation. Innovation relies on Integration and Inspiring Generation.”

About GenySoft:

GenySoft is a full-service provider of infrastructure managed services(IMS), Application managed services(AMS), Application Integration (Cloud, On-Premise, Hybrid), eCommerce Solutions, ERP, CRM, Big Data & Analytics, Software Development, and IT consulting services. GenySoft is a software innovation company whose primary vision is to deliver IT Services. GenySoft has been helping clients globally with technical innovation, quality, and exceptional service. We serve as true business partners to our clients by providing innovative solutions, responding quickly to shifting priorities, changing project scopes, and helping maintain a competitive edge by leveraging the best technical resources globally. GenySoft is a WSO2, JitterBit, Fiorano Consulting Partner, and Reseller focusing on Integration Solutions. We deliver services at Integration Solutions (Cloud, On-Premise, Hybrid), SAP ERP, Web Application Development, Managed Services, Digital Marketing, Consulting & Offshoring. We specialize in integrations and deliver bespoke development. Our Managed Services offering provides access to experienced infrastructure administrators and org maintenance. GenySoft offers truly business-focused solutions by creating and maintaining a perfect balance of quality, reliability, delivery, and return on investment (ROI).
Learn more at https://www.genysoft.com.

About eDepoze:

eDepoze, LLC is a litigation software company whose flagship product, eDepoze, is a collaborative, cloud-based software platform that brings new efficiencies to the disordered and paper-intensive phase of litigation following e-discovery. eDepoze is the first deposition exhibit software that allows you to electronically prepare exhibits for deposition and then securely introduce them with a laptop. The convenience of showing up without boxes of paper is liberating and eDepoze eliminates the paper process aggravation and cost. It’s simple to organize and surprisingly easy to use. eDepoze’s industry-leading deposition software combines a secure database with an iPad or web-based app interface to deliver paperless deposition convenience, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness while mirroring the familiar paper deposition process. eDepoze’s Witness Prep 2.0TM software brings the same benefits to preparing witnesses to testify at deposition, arbitration, or trial.

Witness Prep
Provide your witness with private access to review documents online when getting ready to testify. Our Witness Prep module allows you to effectively collaborate with your witness on key documents together or remotely.

Arbitration & Mediation

In arbitration, present and distribute exhibits to the entire panel and other participants. In mediation, present case documents and media when making your case to the mediator and other parties.

Hearing & Trial

In hearings, present exhibits and case law to the judge when arguing your motion. In the trial, present and distribute exhibits during opening statements, when examining witnesses, or during closing arguments.
For more information, visit https://www.edepoze.com.

For more information contact Anuhya R, Marketing GENYSOFT LLC.

+1 512-961-7161

16 Nov 2021

Installation of Federation Exchange Plugin in RabbitMQ


RabbitMQ is a lightweight, open-source message broker that supports a variety of messaging protocols such as AMQP, MQTT, and STOMP. To provide high availability, it can be installed as a cluster. When your application is deployed in numerous geographic regions, maintaining a single cluster for all of them becomes extremely difficult, as latency enters the picture and complexity rises. You can maintain numerous, independent RabbitMQ Clusters and federate messages between them using the RabbitMQ Federation Plugin.

Types of Federation

  1. Exchange Federation:
    With the exchange Federation, it is possible to distribute messages to another cluster. It means, messages published on federated exchanges, will be published to local exchange plus downstream servers as well. It can be used when the same message you want to consume at multiple places.
  2. Queue Federation:
    Queue federation does intelligent load balancing of messages, it will only send messages to downstream servers when there will consumers available to consume. It means messages are not duplicated. It is useful to distribute load or migration of clusters.

Prerequisites –

  • Two Rabbitmq Servers/Cluster
  • Management plugin enabled for dashboard
  • Connectivity between both servers/Cluster over amqp protocol on port 5672.

Install Federation Plugin –

sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_federation rabbitmq_federation_management

Restart Rabbitmq Server, for configurations to take effect

Setup Exchange Federation –

We have executed On both Upstream and Downstream Server:

1. First Create a user for federation.

2. Create a Vhost  in which exchange will be created to federate.

3. Give user access to the above-created vhost.

4. Create an exchange that is to be federated in the above-created vhost.

5. Create a Queue in test_vhost

6. Bind Queue with Exchange

On Downstream Server –

1. Create Federation Upstreams.

The URI will be in the format:

 In this example: amqp://federation_user:federation_user@X.X.X.X:5672/test_vhost

2. Create a Policy for federation.

3. Check Federation Status, it should be running.

Here Exchange federation setup is completed.

#Test Federation

1. Publish message on the exchange on Upstream server.

Now, the message should be present on the upstream and downstream queues.

13 Sep 2021

RabbitMQ Configuration in Windows Environment:

Prerequisites to Install RabbitMQ           

  • RabbitMQ requires a 64-bit supported version of Erlang for Windows to be installed

Note: Erlang must be installed using an administrative account or it won’t be discoverable to the RabbitMQ Windows service.

  • Java version 11.0.11_windows-x64-bin
  • Steps to Install Erlang VM:
  • Click on the Next button
  • Select the Destination folder to install Erlang and click on the Next button.
  • Click on the Install button to install.

Installing RabbitMQ:

  • Click on the Download + Installation Button.
  • Select Chocolatey or Installer under Installation Guides
  • Go to Direct Downloads and click on rabbit MQ -server-3.8.19 to download.
  • After download install Rabbit MQ

The RabbitMQ service starts automatically.

RabbitMQ Windows service can be managed from the Start menu


To Enable Plugins – Go to Rabbitmq command prompt (sbin dir)

09 Sep 2021
08 Sep 2021
07 Sep 2021
26 Jun 2020

WSO2 vs MuleSoft AMAZON Connectors List


EI Connectors Summary
                        Amazon Lamda Version 1.0.0  by WSO2 Category: Developer Tools Supported Product Version: EI 7.0.x EI 6.4.0 EI 6.4.0 The Amazon Lambda Connector allows you to access the REST API of Amazon Web Service Lambda (AWS Lambda), which lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability.
Amazon DynamoDB Version 1.0.1  by WSO2 Category: Other Supported Product Version: EI 7.0.x EI 6.6.0 EI 6.5.0 The Amazon DynamoDB connector allows you to access the Amazon DynamoDB REST API through the WSO2 ESB and perform CRUD operations.
                                             Amazon S3 Version 1.0.10  by WSO2 Category: Developer Tools Supported Product Version: EI 7.0.x EI 6.6.0 EI 6.5.0 The Amazon S3 connector allows you to access the REST API of Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), which provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web. The connector with WSO2 EI enables you to publish and manage your enterprise data at Amazon S3 service.
                                    Amazon Simple Notification Version 1.0.1  by WSO2 Category: Productivity Tools  Supported Product Version: ESB 4.9.0 EI 6.1.1 EI 6.4.0 The Amazon SNS connector allows you to access the exposed API through the WSO2 ESB. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a Web service that enables you to build distributed Web-enabled applications. The connector uses the Amazon SNS REST API reference.
                                                    Amazon Simple DB Version 1.0.0  by WSO2 Category: Developer Tools Supported Product Version: ESB 4.8.0 ESB 4.8.1 ESB 4.9.0 ESB 5.0.0 The Amazon SimpleDB connector allows you to access the Amazon SimpleDB API through WSO2 ESB. This service works in close conjunction with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), collectively providing the ability to store, process, and query data sets in the cloud.
Amazon SES Version 1.0.0  by WSO2 Category: Communication Supported Product Version: ESB 5.0.0 ESB 4.9.0 The Amazon SES connector allows you to access the Amazon SES API through WSO2 ESB. Amazon SES is a highly scalable and cost-effective email solution for businesses and developers.
                        Amazon Simple Queue Services   Version 1.0.8  by WSO2       Category: Developer Tools Supported Product Version: EI                         7.0.x EI 6.6.0 EI 6.5.0 Amazon SQS offers reliable and scalable hosted queues for storing messages as they travel between computers. By using Amazon SQS, you can move data between distributed components of your applications that perform different tasks without losing messages or requiring each component to be always available. The Amazon SQS connector for WSO2 EI uses the Amazon SQS API and allows you to send and receive messages, facilitating asynchronous messaging between integrated systems.


       Amazon S3 Connector    Version 5.6.x Mule 4   Amazon S3 is a web storage service that allows organizations to store data in the cloud. You can interface Amazon S3 to store objects. Instant access to the Amazon S3 API enables businesses to create seamless integrations between Amazon S3 and other databases
 Amazon EC2 Connector  Version 2.3.x Mule 4 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service that provides secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale cloud computing easier for developers.
      Amazon SNS Connector     Version 4.4X Mule 4 Amazon SNS is a web service that you can use to publish messages from applications and deliver them to other services, applications, subscribers, internet, and mobile devices, immediately and cost-effectively. Quickly and easily manage to push messaging services with the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) and simplify the process of setting up, operating, and sending notifications from the cloud with the Anypoint Amazon SNS connector from Mulesoft.
    Amazon SQS Connector   Version 5.5X Mule 4 Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) supports programmatic sending of messages via web service applications as a way to communicate over the Internet.
  Amazon S3 Glacier     Connector  Version 1.0X Mule 4 The Amazon S3 Glacier connector provides connectivity to the Amazon S3 Glacier API, enabling you to interface with Amazon S3 to store objects, archive, download and use data with other AWS services, and build applications that call for internet storage.
   Amazon RDS Connector  Version 1.3X Mule 4 Amazon RDS provides connectivity to the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) API, enabling you to interface with Amazon RDS to provide resizable capacity while automating hardware provisioning, database setup, patching, and backups.
 Amazon DynamoDB    Connector  Version 1.4X Mule 4 Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.
26 Jun 2020

Secure Vault Implementation for WSO2 EI

Secure Vault Implementation for WSO2 EI

One simple mechanism that comes with all the WSO2 products to overcome this vulnerability is called Secure Vault implementation. It’s an extended version of synapse Secure Vault and hence it has been inherited to WSO2 Carbon platform. This particular feature simply allows us to replace the real password with an alias and then this alias will be mapped with the encrypted version of the real password inside the Secure Vault.

The user-mgt.xml which resides at <EI_HOME>/conf folder contains the password of the Admin User which is ‘admin’. Using the secure vault, this can be replaced by an alias such as UserManager.AdminUser. Password and the encrypted version of the real password will go to Secure Vault. During the runtime, the WSO2 product will check this alias in Secure Vault and decrypt the corresponding password.

The entire Secure Vault implementation mainly based on three files.

  • cipher-tool.properties
  • cipher-text.properties
  • cipher-tool.sh

Following are the summarized steps to make it work.

Step 1: Open the cipher-tool.properties file resides in the <EI_HOME>/conf/security folder and adds the file name and the XPath of the password which you wants to be encrypted in the following format.


  • <alias>: The value which is going to replace the hard-coded password.
    ex: UserManager.AdminUser.Password
  • <file_name>: The file name of the configuration file where the password resides.
    ex: repository/conf/user-mgt.xml
  • <xpath>: XPath to the password in the configuration file
    ex: UserManager/Realm/Configuration/AdminUser/Password
  • <true, false>: Use value ‘false’ if you are encrypting the value of an XML element, or the value of an XML attribute’s tag. Use the value ‘true’ if you are encrypting the tag of an XML attribute.


Step2: Open the cipher-text. properties file (<EI_HOME>/conf/security) and adds the alias and the corresponding plaintext password.

<alias>=[plain_text_password] ex: UserManager.AdminUser.Password=[admin]

Step 3. Run the cipher-tool.sh file (<EI_HOME>/bin) by using the ‘./ciphertool.bat -Dconfigure’ command.

That’s it!!! You will see the original password has been replaced by an alias in the configuration file and the encrypted password appearing in the cipher-text. properties file with the corresponding alias.

Observe the changes in below screenshots

Decrypt Encrypted text with the WSO2 Cipher tool:

1. Download the pre-built client jar file and put this jar file in libraries from https://github.com/ashok1995-b/decryptedJarfile/blob/master/org.wso2.samples.decrypt-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

    Jar file   =   org.wso2.samples.decrypt-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

1.        Execute as interactive command-line inputs at YOUR_EI_HOME/6.6.0/lib
The command for this is (Inputs will be asked one by one);
java -jar org.wso2.samples.decrypt-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 
2. Encrypted Text from (\YOUR_EI_HOME\6.6.0\conf\security\cipher-text.properties)

For Example for UserManager.AdminUser.Password = “admin”


3. KeyStore file path : /YOUR_EI_HOME/6.6.0/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
4. KeyStore alias : wso2carbon
5. KeyStore password : wso2carbon

Result in Plain Text:

At last, If you are looking for consultants and systems integration experts who understand all these with a strong play in a variety of Integrations products, Genysoft is to consider for all your needs of middleware integration needs.

We are an Integration Experts and Implementation partners of Fiorano, WSO2, JitterBit, MuleSoft, Talend, SnapLogic, Dell Boomi, Apigee from Offshore Hyderabad, India with offices in Johannesburg, South Africa, Texas, USA. We have been working with large scale integration projects Hybrid, Cloud, OnPremise since 2008. We have vast experience working on multiple middleware integration products, which is a very unique combination of skills that we proud of. Be it is On-premise or Cloud, Proprietary or Open source, Frameworks, or Integration Suites we have expertise.

Our integration experts have experience in various integration products such as Fiorano, WSO2, JitterBit, MuleSoft, Talend, SnapLogic, Dell Boomi, Apigee and we are active contributors to the community where we learn and share the experiences. We recognize that each customer integration project is unique and we understand your integration puzzles and we apply our expertise to solve them. Our delivery methodology ensures scalable, cost-effective integration solutions to your problems.

We’ve gathered our knowledge over the decade; a knowledge that we are happy to now place at your service. Please Write to Us your needs for middleware to info@genysoft.com.

01 Mar 2019

Enterprise integrations needs Vs GDPR policy to protect and safeguard customer data.

Enterprises need to ensure a framework is built into the architecture to the needs of increasing need GDPR policy to protect and safeguard customer data.

Customer Data protection and privacy has become a topic of global significance, with high profile incidents involving both businesses and governments.  As a result, there is an increasing need for a unified data protection policy.

New rules and legislation concerning the collection, storage and processing of personal information relating to individuals in the European Union (EU), also known as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will come into effect.

The most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years, the GDPR is a legal framework setting guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals in the European Union. With GPDR there are specific requirements for transparency of how companies manage their customers’ personal data. In addition to European companies,   American and international companies with an EU customer base must comply. The Brexit vote does not mean UK businesses are exempt from GDPR, and they should prepare accordingly.

Companies who fail to comply, can suffer significant consequences, resulting in up to €20m, or 4 per cent of a company’s annual turnover which when calculated at the group level for multinationals could add up to huge penalties.

Find all architectural layers which deals with customer data:

The first step for compliance is taking a full inventory of wherever customer data appears in your enterprise such as data transformation services, service logs, business audit reports, databases etc. 

CRM database, which is the obviously first place to look, the data could also reside in marketing automation, lead management, customer support, financial and field service systems. In addition, personal information can be stored as unstructured data in social media posts, emails, calendars, voice recordings and spreadsheets, and other sources.

Systems and Application, which may or may not use the same CRM systems.

Cloud infrastructures – Third party cloud services, desktops, VM’s, or even file shares in publicly available parts of a network.

Enforcing GDPR

There are several different integration tools that can help create an audit trail across the entire customer data in the enterprise systems.  

Integration tools & platforms can provide the ability to find and then integrate data from different vendors, locations, and devices.

Sometimes, low-code development environments enable employees who are not well-experienced programmers to get involved with this integration process, which is even more essential as increasingly more and more departments and business functions within the organization are the ones responsible for collecting, consuming, and analyzing their data.

Identify each instance of customer data, additional business processes involved with documenting a customer’s complicity with storing their data need to be put in place.

All forms that capture customer data must be integrated fully with the back-end systems to ensure compliance by tracking every instance of where the data is shared and stored. 

The entire process of lead generation also needs to be tracked. For example, contact creation through your CRM system will need to go through an ‘opt-in’ process rather than just be included automatically into marketing contact databases. The same applies for contact information collected at industry events and when you receive contacts from a third party.

These requirements also need to be enforced for channel partners. Does a partner have authority to share contact information with a manufacturer? If yes, the appropriate and proper procedures for opt-in needs to be followed and documented.  

These rules also apply to previous and existing customers. All personal details have to be deleted. You can’t simply mark “do not contact” in your CRM database. The data needs to be erased in all systems where it appears.

Finally Enterprises are held responsible for ensuring that any data you store is accurate and up to date

The digital economy is built on the collection and exchange of data, including large amounts that consist of personal sensitive data. Moving ahead with innovation requires public confidence in the protection of this information. Complying with GPDR will require a business-led approach that looks at the whole business model and how these requirements come into play.

It’s never too soon to begin finding all the sources of customer data, wherever that may be and starting your GDPR compliance journey.

At last, If you are looking for consultants and systems integration experts who understands the GDPR and architectural frameworks, Genysoft is to consider for all your needs of GDPR in integration space.

We are integration experts have been working with large scale integration projects. We have vast experience working on multiple middleware integration tools products, which is a very unique combination of skills that we are very proud of. Be it is On-premise or Cloud, Proprietary or Open source, Frameworks or Integration Suites we have expertise.

We recognize that each customer integration project is unique and we understand your integration puzzles and we apply our expertise to solve them. Our delivery methodology ensures scalable, cost effective integration solutions to your problems.

Please Write to Us 

© 2021 GenySoft. All rights reserved.
